Sardines over crackling flames and burning embers, add a slice or two of small swordfish and top with a handful of prawns, coarse salt... Such are the flavors. On the western coast of Algeria, you will also stumble across weirdly shaped rocks in deep rocky inlets along coastal roads.
A series of coves scattered with peaceful villages and partly covered with mastic bushes.
This region is of a
breathtaking rugged beauty: Admire gorges sinking in the coastline with small
villages in the distance standing firmly on hillsides. The beaches and coves
are virtually virgins. The sand and pristine shores, the exceptionally mild
climate, make this region a top and rare winter destination, not to speak of
its remains.
A city full of history
occupies the site of an Almohad fortress built in the 12th century: an anchorage
sheltered by a magnificent cape, a plateau where thick adobe walls have pride
of place, flanked by square towers, the landmarks for passing sailors they
call, as the inhabitants do, Noah's table...
It all starts on the
outskirts of Mostaganem
The coastal city of
Mostaganem is the starting point of the country's western region. Mazagran, a
linguistic variation that also refers to coarse pottery stemmed glass,
overlooks several beaches: El Macta, the Sablettes - a magnificent expanse of
fine sand - Stidia, Cape Carbon, and Marsa El Hadjadj - nearby Hammam Selama,
a sulfurous hot spring... Past the west of Oran, the beautiful beach of the
Andalouses, protected by Cape Lindley (the construction of the complex
uncovered a Punic necropolis of the 5th century BC and Roman remains. The
discoveries are on display at Oran's Zabana Museum). Let's leave the coastline
for a little while to head toward Cape Blanc and stumble on a mythical wild
Madagh appears suddenly at the end of a provincial road that plunges down into the sea. The strip of sand slays a scrubland of rosemary, wild lavender, fennel, asphodel, and arbutus smells. Prior to this, a wood overlooking the small bay acts as a rest area. You'll need to pull yourself together to recover from the fascinating scene at your feet. Consisting of two remote beaches, Madagh resembles two small crescents covered with sand and polished white pebbles...