Saint Augustin or Aurelus Augustinus is a son of
Algeria who was born in Thaghaste (Souk Ahras) On November 13th.354 AD.
He is the most famous among the churchmen and he is
considered as the greatest spirit of the first centuries of the Christianity.
We consider him also as “The father of the roman Catholicism” or "The
doctor of grace“, because he preached peace and tolerance. The influence of the
Numidian saint is surely that which marked a lot the theology of all the times.
All his thought was concentrated on God and the
destiny of man. And taking the collection of truth remained a dominant ambition
for him.
Saint Agustin is also the founding father of the
African monasticism. He hoped that Catholicism should be a religion of love.
Aurelus Augustinus was not only the most human of all the saints, but he was
also the most friendly and the most humble. He was the “light of the church.
His mother Monique, a catholic devotee, from a
Christian family for many generations will convey him her pure faith. She was
twenty when she has got Augustine.
But she has got a first child whose name was Navigius,
and a daughter who will become later on a religious and superior of a monastery
in the diocese of Hippone (Annaba).
Until her death in Ostie in 388, Monique had
not stopped to guide Augustine on the catholic way. In this respect, she
predicted secretly, an exceptional future for him and which he has to play in
the church. Her devotion for church and her illimited faith gave her the merit
to be called Saint Monique. She is a very pious nun who will disembark, many
years later in Milan, so to join her son Aurelus.
His father was a pagan who remained faithful to
paganism until his death. He represents the perfect example of the romanised
numidian. He belonged to the “municipal council of Thagaste” and as a
middle-class person, he wished that his son could study and become a lawyer,
even if he was obliged to borrow the necessary money from a rich man called
Romaniamus. This later will maintain him in hard-times.