By its impressive natural site, the decoration of its refractory environment, the style of its authentic architecture, BENI-ABBES, 250 km from Bechar, excites by the magnificence of its splendid panorama. Ghar Eddiba, Hourras Ellil, Ouarourout, and other vestiges perpetuated by oral tradition, affirm to the region its legendary character. The museum, the field of sand roses, the hermitage of Father De Foucault, the miraculous spring, the old ksar in the heart of the palm grove in the shape of a scorpion, each holder of a part of its relevant history, essentially confirms to Béni-Abbès its tourist nature.
The legend of the birth of the source in the 6th century AH attributed to Sidi Othmane from Egypt, is the starting point of the history of the village.
Highlighted by important prehistoric sites, OUGARTA, 41 km away, is an old transit center for caravans on their way to the South. It was also used as a place of detention during the colonial period.
ZEGHAMRA, would have for origin the expression * moula Zemour * attributed to its founder Sidi Ben Mohammed of Zemmoura.